Bottom Line – 2022

After more than 2 years of investigation, here is our summation: Some industry groups, corporations and super rich individuals succeeded in receiving a ruling called “citizens united” through the Supreme Court in 2010. This enabled unlimited campaign financing and “dark money” to seriously deteriorate our People’s Democracy and change it to a corporatocracy. The change was completed with the election of the former president, an unscrupulous ex casino owner. The republican party got on board with this new type of government for America. Lured by creative forms of bribery and ambitions to get rich quick, many legislators have sold out our People’s Democracy. This selling out is extending to the judicial branch as well. Gone are most politicians who run for office to be “public servants” or wise stewards of American Democracy, our people and our planet. America’s government was never meant to be owned and managed by business groups. This is a fatal flaw for our Democracy. Unbridled greed drives some corporations, not care for American families or sustainability of our precious Earth for future generations. This corporate government is unleashing a thousand points of blight for America and our people. For example, the gun industry has a firm monetary grip on most republican legislators who refuse to enact even the most reasonable changes in gun laws that could save the lives of thousands of American citizens each year. The fossil fuel industry is practically at war with anyone trying to save the Earth’s climate. They are causing great harm by unnecessarily raising gas prices. They are working in conjunction with Russia and some compromised American politicians to block clean energy initiatives. They would chose 50 more years of high profits even if it causes the destruction of our planet and the demise of humanity itself. These same industry groups have active propaganda campaigns constantly at work to solidify a corporate government under their control. They seek to own our politicians and Democracy while we buy their products and provide money for them to do so.