Democracy Heroes

Democracy Heroes is a much needed think tank of bi-partisan American citizens who are concerned about the degradation of Democracies, both in America and around the world. Non-political in nature, our focus is on the history of American Democracy, also the in depth study of our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, including the intent of our founding fathers. We start with the presumption that our Democracy is meant to be “Of the people, by the people, for the people” We strongly feel that a people’s democracy must be constantly supported, maintained, and even repaired, as if it were a possession of the highest value to the nation’s citizens. It is possible to love and protect our precious Democracy in America without regard to politics or current political parties. These parties came later than the original brilliant architects of our people’s Democracy.

What are the critical parts that make a thriving people’s Democracy? Did our founding fathers anticipate our American Democracy needing maintenance or repair? Join us as we ask important questions in good faith, that may benefit ourselves and our descendants, as we put the essence of a healthy Democracy under the microscope of intelligent reasoning.

HERE ARE IMPORTANT TOPICS FOR DELIBERATION AND FURTHER ACTION. PLEASE UNDERSTAND: ANY GROUP , POLITICAL PARTY, POLITICIAN OR INDIVIDUAL WHO POSES A THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY WILL BE CALLED OUT IN A RESPECTFUL BUT DETERMINED MANNER. EITHER PARTY. #1 Coup Issue – Did we really just go thru a new type of coup attempt in America? Something similar to Putin and his Oligarchs in Russia? Are greedy corporate backers complicit? #2 Democracy Repair – What changes can be made to prevent intentional degradation of our Democracy in the future by any party or politician? #3 – Should we repeal Citizens United, which some regard as a means of corruption and interference by “dark money” including foreign influence in our American people’s elections? #4 Campaign Finance Reform – Enact permanent legislation to keep American elections purely “OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE” #5 As Republicans, Democrats or Independents realize that we have to fight for our People’s Democracy, there are powerful people and groups that are fighting to take away our Democracy as we have always known it. Our Government has value to these rich and powerful groups – for making large amounts of money through various corrupt schemes. In truth, our Democracy should be much more valuable to the American People. Complacency can cost us what we claim to hold dear, and negate our Peoples Democracy – that has cost our ancestors dearly to obtain and maintain for our benefit. #6 – What serious solution would you put on our Democracy repair list?

World Subversion War:

The current WORLD SUBVERSION WAR is being fought between dictators, autocrats and communism versus People’s Democracies in the world. Yes there is a new kind of war being waged across many countries for control of Governments. This war in many cases doesn’t include bullets and bombs, but utilizes media and internet platforms to achieve stunning results for the enemies of true people’s Democracies. In America – Russia, China. Iran, North Korea and others have degraded the strength of our country and Democracy by sowing discourse. They have divided our people and our nation. The leaders of these non-democratic countries seek to destroy our Democracy. – Here’s the worst part, some of our highest level government leaders saw an opportunity to grab power and change our Democracy to an autocratic system of government. Powerful industry groups provide vast amounts of money to corrupt leaders who lust for complete power and wealth. The former administration partnered with Russia and the fossil fuel industry in particular to change America’s precious Democracy. Please above all – STAND FOR THE CONTINUATION OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE’S DEMOCRACY IN THE FORM WE HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN. REJECT DIVISION AND HATRED OF FELLOW AMERICANS. REJECT GREEDY, CORRUPT AND TREASONOUS POLITICIANS WHO ENABLE FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND GROUPS LIKE THE FOSSIL FUEL INDUSTRY TO CLEVERLY DEFEAT AMERICA’S DEMOCRACY.