
The definition of “misinformation” in Russian is “propaganda”. Putin has had almost free reign to conduct this KGB tactic in America with great success. The former president invited this campaign as an ally and collaborator with Putin. He did this to gain the type of ultimate power that Putin holds in Russia. He is now the GOP dictator and came so close to being dictator of America. The fight for America’s Democracy is not over. Some industry groups, corporations and American oligarchs are spending billions of dollars supporting relentless propaganda to defeat our People’s Democracy in favor of a fake Democracy that they control with the former president as leader. Very much like Putin’s Russia. Similarly, the playbook and talking points of the former president, many in the GOP and their media outlets mirror Putin’s propaganda. Fake news, witch hunt and the socialism scareword for example. In Russia and America these clever tactics are meant to cover a avalanche of lies and corruption that is degrading to Democracy and the best interests of both country’s people.

Suggestions: 1. There should be a system to properly identify and distinguish the difference between an accredited news organizations and opinion shows. The same for journalists and reporters, educated and under oath to pursue the truth, versus opportunistic big mouths well paid to dish out corrupt, evil serving treasonous propaganda. 2. Social media sites must be required to establish a defense fund against obvious harmful content. A percentage of their revenue delegated to eliminating insidious content through effective moderation. Another percentage to help finance the American government’s efforts to fight cyber warfare. 3. Remove liability protections from corporations and individuals benefiting from practices harmful to American citizens and our Democracy.