
DEMOCRACY SUMMIT! A heartfelt thank you to all involved in this historic initiative. Just exactly what a weary humanity needs. All people deserve the benefits of a true People’s Democracy. This day, we feel very proud to be Americans. We feel more than ever a bond with intelligent, freedom loving people across the world. Let’s fight oppression, injustice, greed and tyranny together. Love Democracy. Be a Democracy Hero!

As we experience climate change catastrophes around the world, the dirty fight with the fossil fuel industry and their ex-president figurehead is becoming more apparent. They have raised fossil fuel prices to punish the American people and people worldwide for attempting to promote clean energy. They continue misinformation and disinformation campaigns to divide the American people. (divide and conquer) They spend money to “buy” public officials across America. They are using their power to destroy our free elections, our Democracy, and ultimately our Planet.

Watch as greedy corporations across America punish average American citizens for receiving desperately needed wage hikes and better working conditions. Prices go up to nullify any gains by workers. Corporations are also eager to defeat a President who is helping poorer citizens. Big business prefers that our government is firmly under their control. A government “of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations.” Meanwhile more citizens live in tents on the street because of their relentless greedy control. Furthermore, the Planet itself is in increasing peril as a result of industry groups that bribe unscrupulous politicians to continue a scorched earth business model for all humanity. The better Democracies in the world see America’s fatal flaws quite clearly. With a corrupt corporate government, America is truly no better than autocracies, kleptocracies, dictatorships or communist countries around the world. In our lifetime, we are witnessing the demise of the American Peoples Democracy that has existed intact for 240 years as a shining example for all nations on Earth. Disagree over what you will, but fight to keep our Democracy. Otherwise, our future children will know very well the consequences of our failure to preserve the Democracy of our ancestors, our Democracy, the birthright Democracy of our American descendants.