4th Branch of Government – Lobbyists

It is true that lobbying has always been part of America’s capitalist system. Legislators and Presidents alike must always ask other party members and politicians for co-operation on special projects for their particular state or constituency. They do and must meet, debate and compromise to try and achieve particular goals. Lobbyist firms and groups outside of government are different. These are private “for profit” firms that play a huge role in the direction of America’s national policies and legislation. They also have a gigantic influence on the well being of all American citizens and the health of our Democracy itself. Lobbyists orchestrate our “pay to play” system that ultimately determines everything about the future of America and our citizen’s lives. The problem is that their industry is totally driven by an ambition to earn large amounts of money from industries, corporations, and even foreign entities. These groups are willing to fork over billions of dollars to achieve certain goals, even if it is not in the best interest of America, or our people. Politicians have become accustomed to being courted with various forms of creative bribery that has become extensive and dangerous to our people’s Democracy. Foreign influence is rampant. Politicians have no time or will to truly accommodate the pressing needs of the American people – because there is no money to be made in such endeavors. They are constantly being propositioned and well paid to accommodate the desires of the highest bidders on any issue. Unfortunately we have gradually inherited a majority of politicians who are in office to try and become exorbitantly wealthy. It wasn’t always this blatant or out of control, but it is now. The 4th branch of government – The Lobbyist Branch – is the perfect instrument of destruction for the integrity of our elected officials and the decimation of our People’s Democracy “of the people, by the people, for the people.”